Hey girls,
In the assignment, it says we have to choose one ethical topic to write about, the four to choose from are provided in this presentation. They are all four great topics, but I'm gravitating more towards the first one: Should you get permission from a friend before uploading content with them in it to social media?
I would love to hear y'all's opinion about which one we should choose to write about. Hope to hear from you soon.
-Julia Parrish
P.S. I saw that Kaitlynn has been on here, but I haven't heard anything else from Ayla. Did you get the invite to admin? If not I'll resend it.
Hey guys! Sorry, I've been having some trouble; I copy and pasted from the discussion because for some reason I kept missing the email, but I finally got it together! And I think that the first topic would be great. It's interesting, extremely relevant to our age group and we could find tons of information.