One last thing- the last sentence is supposed to have a question mark at the end. Or we could change it to "If a picture truly is worth a
thousand words, then it should be the right of each individual to tell
their own story." Or just leave it out completely. I glanced over it earlier, but just realized that it doesn't make mush sense. I think we should just change it.
Friday, May 23, 2014
That's wonderful! Thank you for doing that! You have the complete go ahead from me! :)
I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed working with both you and Ayla! I never once felt that anybody wasn't doing enough work and I think we all communicated greatly! We each went over and beyond in our paragraphs and contributions and it has been a real weight off my shoulders. I was nervous about working in a group in the beginning.
I wish you both the best in all that you do!
That's wonderful! Thank you for doing that! You have the complete go ahead from me! :)
I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed working with both you and Ayla! I never once felt that anybody wasn't doing enough work and I think we all communicated greatly! We each went over and beyond in our paragraphs and contributions and it has been a real weight off my shoulders. I was nervous about working in a group in the beginning.
I wish you both the best in all that you do!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
I think there's nothing else that needs to be changed. I proofread a million times, and didn't catch anything. It's totally in MLA format, to my knowledge.
Here's the Google Doc, but I will send you girls the Microsoft Word document to your student e-mails so you can open it up, and just change your names in the course information and page numbers.
Once I get the go-ahead from you girls, I'm gonna submit the assignment.
I think there's nothing else that needs to be changed. I proofread a million times, and didn't catch anything. It's totally in MLA format, to my knowledge.
Here's the Google Doc, but I will send you girls the Microsoft Word document to your student e-mails so you can open it up, and just change your names in the course information and page numbers.
Once I get the go-ahead from you girls, I'm gonna submit the assignment.
Great job!
Ayla and Julia,
I think our paper is GREAT. But I could be a little biased. Seriously though, I think we met all of the criteria if not exceeded most of it. I proofread the paper to check for spelling, I think on the grading rubric it said she was going to be very firm in making sure everything was spelled correctly because we have spell check, but I'll check again. :)
My student email is
Here is my Works Cited information again just so we can add that:
I think our paper is GREAT. But I could be a little biased. Seriously though, I think we met all of the criteria if not exceeded most of it. I proofread the paper to check for spelling, I think on the grading rubric it said she was going to be very firm in making sure everything was spelled correctly because we have spell check, but I'll check again. :)
My student email is
Here is my Works Cited information again just so we can add that:
O'Donnell, Andy. n.d. 20 05 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
I like your paper, we just have to add Kati's citation information. There's no changes that I see that are necessary, but if you or Kati are going to add anything in there, just post it and I will look at it and put it all into one document and post it just to make sure that we are all sure that's the document we want to send.
It looks great.
If it's easier to send the documents through e-mail, you can send it to my student e-mail,
I will be away from the computer a lot tomorrow, but should be home in the evening to look at anything you post, and Friday morning, at the latest, I think we should have our completed paper done with. I think it looks pretty complete now, just needs a little editing to put it in the right format.
I like your paper, we just have to add Kati's citation information. There's no changes that I see that are necessary, but if you or Kati are going to add anything in there, just post it and I will look at it and put it all into one document and post it just to make sure that we are all sure that's the document we want to send.
It looks great.
If it's easier to send the documents through e-mail, you can send it to my student e-mail,
I will be away from the computer a lot tomorrow, but should be home in the evening to look at anything you post, and Friday morning, at the latest, I think we should have our completed paper done with. I think it looks pretty complete now, just needs a little editing to put it in the right format.
I wrote an introduction based off Julia's but still am not happy with my last sentence so I'll change it tomorrow if you guys are okay with everything else. Also, I'm going to try to add just a little more to the conclusion so that's why there's a random fragment, but maybe not because I think the conclusion tied in the paper really well.
I'm not really sure how to create the same web document as ya'll so it's not in the official format:
My works cited
Here is my works cited info: If you girls give me your email address I can send you my paragraph as a Microsoft document. I still have no idea why it's private. :/
I am 100% for using the first part of my paragraph as the introduction. I can even tweak it a little bit to add it points from the both of y'all's paragraphs if you want :)
I am 100% for using the first part of my paragraph as the introduction. I can even tweak it a little bit to add it points from the both of y'all's paragraphs if you want :)
O'Donnell, Andy. n.d. 20 05 2014
Hey girls!
I decided to kinda put our paragraphs together in one word document just to tweak my paragraph to fit around both yours. I think our paper looks pretty good. I added an introduction and conclusion just to see how it would look, but they are definitely not permanent, but would love your input on them. I also tried to put it in MLA format.
Your paragraph looks great, I think it would fit best being at the beginning, followed by mine, and then finally Ayla's paragraph. In fact, Kati, I think your first part of your paragraph works to be combined for the introduction paragraph. All I need is your works cited information.
If there's ANYTHING you think needs to be changed, just let me know. I tried to proofread it, but didn't catch anything.
I decided to kinda put our paragraphs together in one word document just to tweak my paragraph to fit around both yours. I think our paper looks pretty good. I added an introduction and conclusion just to see how it would look, but they are definitely not permanent, but would love your input on them. I also tried to put it in MLA format.
Your paragraph looks great, I think it would fit best being at the beginning, followed by mine, and then finally Ayla's paragraph. In fact, Kati, I think your first part of your paragraph works to be combined for the introduction paragraph. All I need is your works cited information.
If there's ANYTHING you think needs to be changed, just let me know. I tried to proofread it, but didn't catch anything.
My paragraph...again
So sorry! I have no idea why my paragraph is set to private. We are out of town and I am using my husband's laptop so that could have something to do with it. I'll post it below this and please let me know what I need to change/fix.
Posting pictures online through social media has become the
"norm" for our society. Facebook users are constantly updating their
status, uploading and tagging pictures, and viewing their friends and families
profiles as well. Facebook is a fantastic way to stay connected to friends and
family who don't live locally and also a way to keep them included in one's
everyday life. However, the problem is that once you tag someone in a picture
it is then not only viewable by them but their friends. If their friends decide
to tag themselves it is also viewable by their friends and it goes on and on,
creating a chain reaction. Before you know it you have people commenting on a
picture you have posted and you have no idea who the person is.
An even greater issue arises when a person posts pictures of other
people's children on Facebook without their permission. While Facebook is
popular and well-liked by many there are people who choose not to use it. They
want their private lives to be just that, private. It should not be another
person's decision to make someone else's private life public. If an individual
wants to post a picture of their child with another child present in the
photograph they should ask permission from that other child's parent.
With advances in
technology we also have had advances in computer software. We have the ability
to crop photos and take out things we don't want in a picture. If a person asks
a parent if they can post a picture of their child online and they say no, then
that person can simply crop the child out. Parents have a responsibility to not
only love their children but to protect them as they see fit. The way I parent
and what I see as "okay" for my child is going to be different
then the way another person parents and sees as "okay" for their
child. Andy O'Donnell wrote an article for and made a great point
when he stated, "We post pictures of our kids and tag them and their
friends, siblings, and other relatives. This kind of information could be used
by predators to lure your child. They could use your child’s name and the names
of their relatives and friends to build trust and convince them that they are
not really a stranger because they know detailed information that allows them
to build a rapport with your child". (O'Donnell) Asking
permission is simply the right, courteous, safe thing to do, especially
when children are involved.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Your paragraph looks pretty good. I think we should put my paragraph first, and then yours because my paragraph ties a bit into yours in a general sense, so it would help build off each other to have mine introduce your point in a way. Also, I removed the part "In today's culture" from my paragraph since yours said that as well, so therefore we aren't being redundant.
Your paragraph is on private, so I can't see it! Can't wait to read it. I agree that our paragraphs are long, but I think that's a pretty okay problem to have as long as we just keep our introduction and conclusion pretty to the point.
For the introduction, maybe something that says something along the lines of:
"In the age we live in today, the internet and social media are essential to most lives. This brings about the problem of whether sharing information and photographs about other's lives is right. However, it should not be seen as so acceptable because it puts children at risk (????), damages careers, as well as reputations from the over-sharing and lack of care from others."
(That's a pretty rough draft. I would love your girls' input about it, and would love suggestions.)
Good luck on both of your last week of classes!!
Your paragraph looks pretty good. I think we should put my paragraph first, and then yours because my paragraph ties a bit into yours in a general sense, so it would help build off each other to have mine introduce your point in a way. Also, I removed the part "In today's culture" from my paragraph since yours said that as well, so therefore we aren't being redundant.
Your paragraph is on private, so I can't see it! Can't wait to read it. I agree that our paragraphs are long, but I think that's a pretty okay problem to have as long as we just keep our introduction and conclusion pretty to the point.
For the introduction, maybe something that says something along the lines of:
"In the age we live in today, the internet and social media are essential to most lives. This brings about the problem of whether sharing information and photographs about other's lives is right. However, it should not be seen as so acceptable because it puts children at risk (????), damages careers, as well as reputations from the over-sharing and lack of care from others."
(That's a pretty rough draft. I would love your girls' input about it, and would love suggestions.)
Good luck on both of your last week of classes!!
My draft :)
Hey girls!
So sorry, I didn't post this yesterday! Here it is and please let me know what you think/needs changed. I will check this frequently today. We will be heading out of town tomorrow and will be spending most of the day driving. So I will check in ASAP tomorrow, but should y'all need me for anything please call me or text me at 803-439-2649.
I've noticed that ALL of our "paragraphs" are kind of long. I would definitely say that's a good problem to have! :) Should we leave them alone or try to cut back a little? We still have to do an introduction and conclusion so maybe we can keep those at 3-4 sentences?
So sorry, I didn't post this yesterday! Here it is and please let me know what you think/needs changed. I will check this frequently today. We will be heading out of town tomorrow and will be spending most of the day driving. So I will check in ASAP tomorrow, but should y'all need me for anything please call me or text me at 803-439-2649.
I've noticed that ALL of our "paragraphs" are kind of long. I would definitely say that's a good problem to have! :) Should we leave them alone or try to cut back a little? We still have to do an introduction and conclusion so maybe we can keep those at 3-4 sentences?
Monday, May 19, 2014
Hey girls,
Here's the link to my document. It's pretty much a rough draft because long story short, I updated my Microsoft Office and lost my original, but I know it's somewhere on my computer because this has happened before; but anyway here's the gist of what I wrote, give or take a few points.
I tried finding research that backed up my original argument in how it specifically affects people getting jobs and such, but it was all too close to Julia's argument, and also how it affects girls more than boys, because at the end of the day, there are more post-your-naked-ex-gf-here sites than there are for ex-bfs, but I couldn't find any specific research on it so instead I focused more on the legal repercussions. Please tell me what ya'll think and what else it needs because honestly I don't feel like it fits into the topic too much and I'm running out of ideas.
Here's the link to my document. It's pretty much a rough draft because long story short, I updated my Microsoft Office and lost my original, but I know it's somewhere on my computer because this has happened before; but anyway here's the gist of what I wrote, give or take a few points.
I tried finding research that backed up my original argument in how it specifically affects people getting jobs and such, but it was all too close to Julia's argument, and also how it affects girls more than boys, because at the end of the day, there are more post-your-naked-ex-gf-here sites than there are for ex-bfs, but I couldn't find any specific research on it so instead I focused more on the legal repercussions. Please tell me what ya'll think and what else it needs because honestly I don't feel like it fits into the topic too much and I'm running out of ideas.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Ok, that all sounds great! It sounds like we are all pretty set, and have great points to argue.
Just to be clear though; Ayla, you will be writing about private pictures (of someone naked, sexual, etc.) being leaked on the internet and the impact that has on someone, and Kati, you will be writing about pictures of children on the internet, correct?
Then I will write about how these pictures affect people's careers and professional reputation, etc.
Ayla, were you wanting to do both counterargument AND the paragraph about private photographs? If you weren't thinking about doing both, I definitely can try to combine mine and make it a counterargument a little bit, then make it an argument for using common courtesy still.
Either way, I will get started on mine, and post my paragraph sometime before Monday on here, and ask for y'all's feedback and we can start on the introduction and conclusion after we've looked at everyone's paragraphs.
Can't wait to see what you girls write.
Just to be clear though; Ayla, you will be writing about private pictures (of someone naked, sexual, etc.) being leaked on the internet and the impact that has on someone, and Kati, you will be writing about pictures of children on the internet, correct?
Then I will write about how these pictures affect people's careers and professional reputation, etc.
Ayla, were you wanting to do both counterargument AND the paragraph about private photographs? If you weren't thinking about doing both, I definitely can try to combine mine and make it a counterargument a little bit, then make it an argument for using common courtesy still.
Either way, I will get started on mine, and post my paragraph sometime before Monday on here, and ask for y'all's feedback and we can start on the introduction and conclusion after we've looked at everyone's paragraphs.
Can't wait to see what you girls write.
Monday sounds great and I also agree we should support that people use common courtesy, and in our counter argument mention that people should have realistic expectations as to how they behave in public, as one never knows if someone's got a camera out or not.
Kati, I am 100% with you on your argument; it's one thing to post a pic of a close friend, but turns into something completely different when it involves a child. And Julia, those points sound fantastic. I also have one other idea, and it centers around when a naked picture that someone sent somebody else privately ends up on the internet. Personally, I hate the fact that that could negatively affect that person's future because A) that sort of thing mostly affects women, and B) it says a lot more about the person that posted the picture than it does the actual person in the picture.
If ya'll don't mind, I'd like to write my paragraph on that. If ya'll think that's too much or will make our paper too long or something of that sort, no biggie :) Then, Julia, if you still didn't have any preferences, I'd like to write the counterargument.
Kati, I am 100% with you on your argument; it's one thing to post a pic of a close friend, but turns into something completely different when it involves a child. And Julia, those points sound fantastic. I also have one other idea, and it centers around when a naked picture that someone sent somebody else privately ends up on the internet. Personally, I hate the fact that that could negatively affect that person's future because A) that sort of thing mostly affects women, and B) it says a lot more about the person that posted the picture than it does the actual person in the picture.
Topic Preference
Julia and Ayla,
If y'all don't mind I'd like to write about posting pictures of kids without parental permission. I could touch base on how it's courteous to ask before posting pictures of children, as some parents are not big fans of facebook and social media. Actually, my husband is one of those! Me, on the other hand, as long as my child is fully dressed and you've asked me then 99% of the time I won't care. :) I found an article that says there are a few states working on laws to make it illegal for anyone to post pictures of a minor unless it's a parent. Now I feel that's a little extreme, as my children's grandparents/aunts/uncles/family friends post pictures all the time of my children. But, nonetheless, I could mention that in my paragraph, as well.
If y'all don't mind I'd like to write about posting pictures of kids without parental permission. I could touch base on how it's courteous to ask before posting pictures of children, as some parents are not big fans of facebook and social media. Actually, my husband is one of those! Me, on the other hand, as long as my child is fully dressed and you've asked me then 99% of the time I won't care. :) I found an article that says there are a few states working on laws to make it illegal for anyone to post pictures of a minor unless it's a parent. Now I feel that's a little extreme, as my children's grandparents/aunts/uncles/family friends post pictures all the time of my children. But, nonetheless, I could mention that in my paragraph, as well.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Ayla and Kati,
Monday sounds terrific to me, it should be fairly simple to write one paragraph so that's a reasonable deadline. I think your idea of each of us incorporating a footnote, as well as a citation would be great- that way it's fair and we would definitely be meeting the requirements.
Which topic for your paragraph would you girls like? I have no preference, but I feel that all of them you can get information on.
Composing our Paper
Julia and Ayla,
I like the idea of each of us doing one main body paragraph and then coming together to form an introduction and conclusion.
I think maybe we should have the first "due date" Monday and the second one Wednesday? Then we could turn the paper in Thursday? I know that's early but I just like getting ahead when possible on projects so I have time for final exams. I know Monday is soon but it shouldn't take us too long to write a paragraph. And this would give us more time on Tuesday/Wednesday to write an introduction and conclusion.
I think we should argue that people should have more courtesy before uploading pictures and videos of "you". I think we would have more to go off. But if you guys want to argue the opposite that is fine with me also.
Julia, I like the 3 paragraph ideas you have a lot! They address the ethical question and give us a lot to go on when composing our paragraphs.
We are required to have at least 2 internet references so if we each included one in our paragraph we will meet that requirement. We are also required to have 1 footnote. Does anyone have any experience with these? I don't but I'm sure it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out. Maybe we can each include one of these so we make sure we meet the requirement.
What do y'all think?
I like the idea of each of us doing one main body paragraph and then coming together to form an introduction and conclusion.
I think maybe we should have the first "due date" Monday and the second one Wednesday? Then we could turn the paper in Thursday? I know that's early but I just like getting ahead when possible on projects so I have time for final exams. I know Monday is soon but it shouldn't take us too long to write a paragraph. And this would give us more time on Tuesday/Wednesday to write an introduction and conclusion.
I think we should argue that people should have more courtesy before uploading pictures and videos of "you". I think we would have more to go off. But if you guys want to argue the opposite that is fine with me also.
Julia, I like the 3 paragraph ideas you have a lot! They address the ethical question and give us a lot to go on when composing our paragraphs.
We are required to have at least 2 internet references so if we each included one in our paragraph we will meet that requirement. We are also required to have 1 footnote. Does anyone have any experience with these? I don't but I'm sure it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out. Maybe we can each include one of these so we make sure we meet the requirement.
What do y'all think?
That is a great idea, Ayla.
What about each of us doing a paragraph of the main body (so that we would have three paragraphs, each with a different point) and then we together write an introduction and conclusion as a group once we review each other's paragraph? I think as we write our separate paragraphs/points/arguments, we should keep in mind the ethical part of the paper, and kind of explain how they play into the point we are trying to make.
What do you think a good due date for that would be? Tuesday, Wednesday?
Do you think are argument will be more in favor of having more courtesy when posting pictures of others, or do you think it should be more about that it isn't a problem?
What should our three main points be?
Some ideas I was thinking were:
What about each of us doing a paragraph of the main body (so that we would have three paragraphs, each with a different point) and then we together write an introduction and conclusion as a group once we review each other's paragraph? I think as we write our separate paragraphs/points/arguments, we should keep in mind the ethical part of the paper, and kind of explain how they play into the point we are trying to make.
What do you think a good due date for that would be? Tuesday, Wednesday?
Do you think are argument will be more in favor of having more courtesy when posting pictures of others, or do you think it should be more about that it isn't a problem?
What should our three main points be?
Some ideas I was thinking were:
- It harms others reputation, careers, relationships, etc. to have someone post a negative photo of them on the internet since it doesn't get deleted ever really.
- Maybe something about posting pictures of children without parental permission?
- However on the opposing side, maybe that since you are in public, it can happen that your photo is taken and that you should be aware of this and not getting offended if someone posts pictures of you.
Any other ides/commentaries?
I also think it'd be a great idea to break the paper up into sections with each of us focusing on a different section. Also, we could each choose a different element of critical thinking to help explain our arguments, since that's apart of the requirements; though to be honest I'm not entirely sure if we're supposed to explicitly explain how we used them, or just make inferences.
Since it'd be kind of hard to write the intro and conclusion without seeing what everyone put in the body, maybe we could just write our arguments at an earlier deadline, then show each other and make another deadline two or three days before the final one? With all of the sources we have, and the fact that the minimum word count is only 1000, I think the hardest part will be condensing our info into concise points (or at least for me because I like to run on).
Since it'd be kind of hard to write the intro and conclusion without seeing what everyone put in the body, maybe we could just write our arguments at an earlier deadline, then show each other and make another deadline two or three days before the final one? With all of the sources we have, and the fact that the minimum word count is only 1000, I think the hardest part will be condensing our info into concise points (or at least for me because I like to run on).
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
I definitely agree that your way would work better, and that we should have a day a couple days before the due date- which is next Friday at midnight- where we can look over the completed essay and proofread, as well as fix as needed.
Now, do y'all have any suggestions on how we will break up the paper? Usually (at least in the papers I have done) there is usually an introduction/thesis, three arguments, an acknowledgment of opposing arguments, and a conclusion.
This is the first paper I've done that requires footnotes, so I'm not sure what to do with those actually, maybe y'all are more familiar with them?
Would love some feedback from you girls :)
I definitely agree that your way would work better, and that we should have a day a couple days before the due date- which is next Friday at midnight- where we can look over the completed essay and proofread, as well as fix as needed.
Now, do y'all have any suggestions on how we will break up the paper? Usually (at least in the papers I have done) there is usually an introduction/thesis, three arguments, an acknowledgment of opposing arguments, and a conclusion.
This is the first paper I've done that requires footnotes, so I'm not sure what to do with those actually, maybe y'all are more familiar with them?
Would love some feedback from you girls :)
Starting the paper
Hey everyone!
I think it may be better/easier if we divide the paper up so that we are each writing sections? I say that because it may be difficult to each contribute to the same section and making sure that section makes sense. I'm not even sure if what I'm trying to say makes sense :) Anyways, I also feel it would allow us to all have input but also work on own a bit as well. Maybe we can decide on a day to have it finished by (a few days before the due date) so that we can add it all together and proof read it?
I think it may be better/easier if we divide the paper up so that we are each writing sections? I say that because it may be difficult to each contribute to the same section and making sure that section makes sense. I'm not even sure if what I'm trying to say makes sense :) Anyways, I also feel it would allow us to all have input but also work on own a bit as well. Maybe we can decide on a day to have it finished by (a few days before the due date) so that we can add it all together and proof read it?
Getting Started
Hey Girls!
Y'all all have great ideas, and it seems like we have lots of sources, and probably can find tons more. The paper is due late next week, but I think we definitely need to start actually writing, how do you suggest we do that? Should each person do sections of the paper, or should we all add parts to all the sections?
Y'all all have great ideas, and it seems like we have lots of sources, and probably can find tons more. The paper is due late next week, but I think we definitely need to start actually writing, how do you suggest we do that? Should each person do sections of the paper, or should we all add parts to all the sections?
Thursday, May 8, 2014
I'm here!
Hey ladies!
So sorry I've been absent this week. I've been trying to get ahead on homework/classwork for this week (we have a lot going on this weekend) and completely forgot to "check-in".
Julia I think the first link you posted is a great source! I really feel we should incorporate that into our paper/research. I did notice that it is a slightly older article and so it doesn't talk about the most recent changes to Facebook. You can now set your privacy settings so that you have to "approve" pictures, status updates, and anything else that has you "tagged". I currently have my profile set to this so that I get to "approve" what other people can post on my page and what can be seen by people who view my page. With that said it still doesn't stop people from posting pictures on their page without your permission; it just allows you to have a little more control.
In my opinion, and this is just so we can get conversation started, I don't think that it's okay for people to add pictures of you to facebook or any social media, without your approval first. However, I have had this done to me before and have actually done this and didn't mind. I think this was/is mainly due to the fact that those who I take pictures with and those who take pictures with/of my children are close friends and family. I use Facebook a lot for picture sharing since we have a TON of family in many different states. It allows us to all stay connected and feel like we are still involved/apart of one another's lives. However, there have been times when people I attend church with will take a picture of my children and ask if it's okay if they upload it to the church Facebook page. I don't think I've ever said "No" because I, personally, don't mind. But there are people that do and that's why I believe it is common courtesy just to ask and make sure it's okay.
I think the main "issue" is that our ideas of what is acceptable/not acceptable have really evolved over the years, even more so recently with social media growing so rapidly. I think had we'd been asked a few years ago if it was okay to post a picture on Facebook (or any social media) without a person's permission we would have said, "Definitely not". However, because the social "norm" has changed I think we have also changed too; and so now we feel like it's common courtesy but it isn't as big of a deal because it happens so much.
I found this article which explains the "liability" of posting pictures to Facebook without a person's permission.
I also think it would be a GREAT idea showing both views on this topic.
So sorry I've been absent this week. I've been trying to get ahead on homework/classwork for this week (we have a lot going on this weekend) and completely forgot to "check-in".
Julia I think the first link you posted is a great source! I really feel we should incorporate that into our paper/research. I did notice that it is a slightly older article and so it doesn't talk about the most recent changes to Facebook. You can now set your privacy settings so that you have to "approve" pictures, status updates, and anything else that has you "tagged". I currently have my profile set to this so that I get to "approve" what other people can post on my page and what can be seen by people who view my page. With that said it still doesn't stop people from posting pictures on their page without your permission; it just allows you to have a little more control.
In my opinion, and this is just so we can get conversation started, I don't think that it's okay for people to add pictures of you to facebook or any social media, without your approval first. However, I have had this done to me before and have actually done this and didn't mind. I think this was/is mainly due to the fact that those who I take pictures with and those who take pictures with/of my children are close friends and family. I use Facebook a lot for picture sharing since we have a TON of family in many different states. It allows us to all stay connected and feel like we are still involved/apart of one another's lives. However, there have been times when people I attend church with will take a picture of my children and ask if it's okay if they upload it to the church Facebook page. I don't think I've ever said "No" because I, personally, don't mind. But there are people that do and that's why I believe it is common courtesy just to ask and make sure it's okay.
I think the main "issue" is that our ideas of what is acceptable/not acceptable have really evolved over the years, even more so recently with social media growing so rapidly. I think had we'd been asked a few years ago if it was okay to post a picture on Facebook (or any social media) without a person's permission we would have said, "Definitely not". However, because the social "norm" has changed I think we have also changed too; and so now we feel like it's common courtesy but it isn't as big of a deal because it happens so much.
I found this article which explains the "liability" of posting pictures to Facebook without a person's permission.
I also think it would be a GREAT idea showing both views on this topic.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Hey Girls
I agree that it's common courtesy to ask someone before posting a picture of them, especially if it could damage their future. I found an article that details in what situations a person could be punished for posting a picture of someone else, which I think is great, especially in the situations listed, like public disclosure of someone enrolled in an alcohol-rehab program.
I found another article explaining some of the consequences of having a questionable photo of one being posted online. It discusses the effects it has on teenagers, especially when dealing with college admissions and future employment, and gives some examples of how minors have been punished by the law.
Julia, I like your idea of having arguments that oppose our position as well as support it. Here's an article stating that employees should accept social media background checks, and be prepared for it, rather than upset after it already happens. I'm not really sure if that would oppose our position, since it's already apart of reality, and I for one believe that people shouldn't post damaging pictures of themselves online; but still think some of the information could be useful.
I found another article explaining some of the consequences of having a questionable photo of one being posted online. It discusses the effects it has on teenagers, especially when dealing with college admissions and future employment, and gives some examples of how minors have been punished by the law.
Julia, I like your idea of having arguments that oppose our position as well as support it. Here's an article stating that employees should accept social media background checks, and be prepared for it, rather than upset after it already happens. I'm not really sure if that would oppose our position, since it's already apart of reality, and I for one believe that people shouldn't post damaging pictures of themselves online; but still think some of the information could be useful.
In the assignment requirements information, it includes a thing about critical thinking. The first thing we should be looking at, in my opinion, is whether we agree that people should be asking permission to tag others, or if it's not an issue and is acceptable? Who does the issue affect, do you think?
When I'd done an essay last year in my critical thinking class, we had to have three points that support the argument for the issue, and three against and then have the conclusion be your own personal input on the issue-- whether you are for or against it.
Personally, I think that it is a common courtesy to ask someone's permission before uploading pictures, especially when they involve children or when someone is in situations that could negatively affect their future- drinking, drugs, partying, etc. It could destroy their future.
I can't wait to hear y'all's opinions and thoughts about this, so we can get started.
When I'd done an essay last year in my critical thinking class, we had to have three points that support the argument for the issue, and three against and then have the conclusion be your own personal input on the issue-- whether you are for or against it.
Personally, I think that it is a common courtesy to ask someone's permission before uploading pictures, especially when they involve children or when someone is in situations that could negatively affect their future- drinking, drugs, partying, etc. It could destroy their future.
I can't wait to hear y'all's opinions and thoughts about this, so we can get started.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Here's an article I'd found
Hey girls!
It looks like we are all on the same page to do the first ethics topic, if I'm not mistaken so let's start collecting information that will be helpful to what we need for the ethics paper.
I'd begun some research, there's lots out there for us to be able to use about the ethics, and common courtesy of tagging someone without their permission on social media, so we are lucky in that aspect.
Here's one article in particular that I'd found!
Plus, here's the graph that is included in the article just to show us others opinions on the topic. What kind of information were you able to find?

It looks like we are all on the same page to do the first ethics topic, if I'm not mistaken so let's start collecting information that will be helpful to what we need for the ethics paper.
I'd begun some research, there's lots out there for us to be able to use about the ethics, and common courtesy of tagging someone without their permission on social media, so we are lucky in that aspect.
Here's one article in particular that I'd found!
Plus, here's the graph that is included in the article just to show us others opinions on the topic. What kind of information were you able to find?
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