Julia and Ayla,
I like the idea of each of us doing one main body paragraph and then coming together to form an introduction and conclusion.
I think maybe we should have the first "due date" Monday and the second one Wednesday? Then we could turn the paper in Thursday? I know that's early but I just like getting ahead when possible on projects so I have time for final exams. I know Monday is soon but it shouldn't take us too long to write a paragraph. And this would give us more time on Tuesday/Wednesday to write an introduction and conclusion.
I think we should argue that people should have more courtesy before uploading pictures and videos of "you". I think we would have more to go off. But if you guys want to argue the opposite that is fine with me also.
Julia, I like the 3 paragraph ideas you have a lot! They address the ethical question and give us a lot to go on when composing our paragraphs.
We are required to have at least 2 internet references so if we each included one in our paragraph we will meet that requirement. We are also required to have 1 footnote. Does anyone have any experience with these? I don't but I'm sure it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out. Maybe we can each include one of these so we make sure we meet the requirement.
What do y'all think?
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