Monday, May 19, 2014

Hey girls,

Here's the link to my document. It's pretty much a rough draft because long story short, I updated my Microsoft Office and lost my original, but I know it's somewhere on my computer because this has happened before; but anyway here's the gist of what I wrote, give or take a few points.

I tried finding research that backed up my original argument in how it specifically affects people getting jobs and such, but it was all too close to Julia's argument, and also how it affects girls more than boys, because at the end of the day, there are more post-your-naked-ex-gf-here sites than there are for ex-bfs, but I couldn't find any specific research on it so instead I focused more on the legal repercussions. Please tell me what ya'll think and what else it needs because honestly I don't feel like it fits into the topic too much and I'm running out of ideas.

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